parshat Vayetze
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Three Kinds of Love
Judaism is supremely a religion of love. Judaism is also about justice. So why this combination of justice and love? Why is love alone not enough? -
Ya'acov's Dreams
We see in this week's reading that it is our father Jacob who is really the master of dreams. -
Three Kinds of Love
Judaism is supremely a religion of love. Judaism is also about justice. So why this combination of justice and love? Why is love alone not enough? -
Yo-yo; G-d Is in the House!
Rav Moshe Feinstein says that Hashem davka wanted Yakov to sleep in that sacred spot! For what Yakov "did not know," & what G-d wanted very much to teach him – and us! - was that every activity we perform in life can be a holy act, if only we have the right outlook. -
Do I Have to Tell the Truth?
May I take credit for something that I did not do myself? Must I make a full disclosure when it may cause a negative outcome? Is it permitted to “add” to the truth? -
Holy Children In A Toxic World
Bringing up normal, well-adjusted, and hopefully, holy children, in our day and age seems to be a daunting task. How can we succeed against a world glitter and selfishness -
Why Specifically a Matzeva (Monument)?
At the beginning of Yaakov’s long journey, he stopped in Beit El, where he slept, dreamt, and erected a monument. At that place, he swore that if he would return in peace to his father’s house, he would make the place of the monument a “house of G-d”.
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